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Phone System

Home Features | Cloud Phone System

Everyone in One Place
Everyone in One Place

Leverage off Contaqt’s Cloud Phone System to provide your customers with seamless service, using smart call handling features, responding to queries on your social media channels and ensuring business continuity. A Cloud Phone System stores all of your organization’s data in one place enabling access from all around the world.


A Cloud Phone System is unified communications as a service (UCaaS) and connects a call center to the entire organization that can combine distributed offices and locations of a company into a single phone system. With Contaqt’s Cloud Phone System, you can easily manage your communications team and customers from anywhere in the world, at any given time.

Endless Options
Endless Options

Your call center can save resources and meet your changing needs with the Cloud Phone System. Enjoy maximum scalability and flexibility as you evolve. Add and remove any number of phones, locations and features according to your most updated KPIs, knowing Contaqt’s customer support team is at your service 24/7.

Expand your customer base with Contaqt’s global number portability services, instant connection of PBX to your digital and social marketing activity and ability to easily access phone numbers in over 80 countries. On top of that, enjoy an easy Cloud Phone System set-up that does not require any wire rerouting.

Contaqt's Cloud Phone System easily integrates with your existing systems and connects you and your team anywhere in the world.

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